access_authorised = "to authorised" access_disabled = "Access denied" access_enabled = "Access opened" access_enabled_for_guests = "guests can write in the guestbook" access_help = "Administration can access to all closed modules and comments" access_rights = "Permissions" access_with_moderation = "mith moderation" adaptive = "Adaptive" advertisement = "Advertisement" agreement = "Agreement" allow_autocurators = "Appoint topicstarters as curators" allow_firstpost_edit = "Allow topicstarters to edit 1st post" allow_only_admin = "Only for Administration" allow_plain = "Normal access" allow_readonly = "Read only" antiflood = "Antiflood" antiflood_dn_help = "Automatic change from day to night mode, according to specified time set" antiflood_ad_help = "If one of administration is online (on the site), the system work in "day" mode, if administration is offline, it switch to "night"" antiflood_settings = "Antiflood setting" antiflood_tl_help = "Min. 4, max. 300 seconds" antispy = "Anti-Spyware" antispy_dist_scan = "Scanning distributive" antispy_dist_scan_help = "Files identification which are not included in the original distributive" antispy_dist_scan_bad = "Distributive contains complementary files
Warning! If the files listed below does not pertain to your additional modules and you are not assured of their safety, remove them. They can be dangerous for your site." antispy_dist_scan_good = "


List of files corresponds to the distributive" antispy_menu = "Scanner menu" antispy_no_snapshot = "Files image is not created" antispy_rescan = "Rescan" antispy_scan_mode = "Scan mode" antispy_snapshot_create = "Creating a snapshot" antispy_snapshot_create_ok = "Snapshot successfully created" antispy_snapshot_create_help = "Takes a snapshot of all script files from the site calculates their checksums and stored in the database" antispy_snapshot_help = "This procedure creates a list of all script files to your site, calculates the checksums and writes to the database, for later comparison" antispy_snapshot_warning = "WARNING!!!
Before continuing make sure that all the files have been identified in the scanning mode distribution reliable and contain no unauthorized modifications" antispy_snapshot_scan = "Scanning snapshot" antispy_snapshot_scan_bad = "Snapshot Inconsistency
Warning! You need to pay attention to all files from the list. They have been added or modified since the image created" antispy_snapshot_scan_help = "Compare the list of files and checksums with pre-made way
Allows you to identify unknow files, and unauthorized changes" antispy_snapshot_scan_ok = "Excellent!
All files are consistent with previously made image" ban_del_confirmation = "Ban has been successfully removed" ban_del_question = "Are you sure to remove ban?" ban_details = "Ban details" ban_panel = "Ban panel" browsers = "Browsers" counter_add_conf = "Counter successfully added" counter_add_help = "WARNING!
Make sure you have correctly entered the code. It must meet the standard of XML
If you click "View" and XHTML errors occured, then click "Back" button in your browser, return to this form and correct the errors." counter_deleted = "Delete counter" counter_edit_conf = "Counter successfully changed!" counter_help1 = "On all pages showing option 1" counter_help2 = "On all pages showing option 2" counter_help12 = "On the main showing option 1, on the other pages option 2" counter_mod_default_help = "On the main showing option 1, on the other pages option 2
If "option 2" not filled, counter would only appear on the main page" counter_mod1 = "Option 1" counter_mod1_description = "Code for main page" counter_mod2 = "Option 2" counter_mod2_description = "Code for other pages" counter_preview_help = "If the counter are displayed correctly and without errors, Click "Save".
Otherwise, click back button and correct errors" counters = "Counter" day_begin = "Begining day" day_end = "End of day" day_mode = "Night mode" dead_profiles = "Inactive profiles" dead_profiles_deleted = "Inactive profiles deleted" dead_profiles_desc = "This category includes profiles, recorded more than 6 months ago, with the date of last visit for more than 5 months ago and with zero activity.
Can safely remove them." error_color = "Not filled correctly "color"" error_firstip = "First address is entered incorrectly" error_secondip = "Second address is entered incorrectly" error_usrdel_rights = "You cannot delete higher administration" heading_and_text = "Title + Text" include_in_map = "Include in a map" installation_date = "Date set" ip_ban = "Ban by IP" ip_ban_clean = "Unban all IP" ip_ban_clean_confirmation = "IP ban table successfully cleared.
Unban all address" ip_ban_clean_warning = "WARNING! Tabel ban IP will be cleared.
Are you sure you wan to unban an IP?" ip_ban_conflict_admin = "Ban impossible. Your own IP address in the range" ip_ban_conflict_address = "Address you entered conflicts with other who in the database" ip_ban_del = "Ban deleted" ip_ban_help = "Example: - Ban one address - Ban range of address.
10.5.*.* - Ban on a mask. There will banned from the entrie subnet, begining with address 0 and ending with 255" ip_ban_new = "IP Ban" ip_ban_search_help = "Enter a single address, mask and range are not allowed" ip_ban_type1 = "Ban range address" ip_ban_type2 = "Ban on the subnet mask" ip_ban_type3 = "Ban IP address" ip_search = "Search IP" ip_search_notfound = "This address not in the database" karma_admin_disable = "Forbid to vote for the administration" karma_clear_confirmation = "Are you sure you want to drop karma?" karma_cleared = "Karma is dropped" karma_reset = "Drop karma" karma_restrictions = "Restriction for vote" karma_votes_per_day = "Voices per day" language_default = "Default language" language_delete_error = "You cannot delete language established for system by default" language_delete_warning = "Are you sure you want to delete language?" language_select_error = "Failed select language" language_settings = "Language Settings" language_system = "System Language" line_foldings = "Lines" link_add = "Add link" link_add_color_help = "In the format FFFFFF, if you do not want to use link color, simply do not fill this field" link_add_days_help = "Number of days for link existence which will be automatically removed from the page
0 - Unlimited" link_add_name_help = "To change the name when updating pages, you must wtite names trought the symbol |" link_add_placing_all = "All pages" link_add_placing_child = "On all but the main" link_add_placing_front = "Only main page" link_add_trans_help = "Number of hits for link existence which will be automatically removed from the page
0 - Unlimited" link_add_ok = "Link successfully added" link_clear_warning = "Are you sure you want to delete all inactive links?" link_deletion_warning = "Are you sure want to delete link?" link_direct = "Direct Link" link_direct_help = "Click statistics won't be counted, If the direct link is turned on" link_edit = "Edit link" link_edit_ok = "Link successfully changed!" link_hide_warning = "Are you sure you want to hide this link?" link_show_warning = "Are you sure you want to restore this link?" links_active = "Active links" links_allocation = "Styling links" links_armt_over_counters = "Over the counter" links_armt_over_logo = "Above logo" links_armt_under_counters = "Under counter" links_armt_under_usermenu = "Under menu" links_delete_hidden = "Delete inactive links" links_place_occupied = "This place is occupied" meta_tags = "META tags" meta_keywords = "Keywords" meta_description = "Description" module_default_settings = "Option module not specified, will use default module" module_on = "Include module" modules = "Modules" news_count = "News count" news_howmanydays_display = "How many days to show?" news_on_frontpage = "News on the mainpage" operation_mode = "Operation mode" placing = "Layout" redirect = "Redirect" redirect_url = "Redicect URL" refresh_descriptions = "Update Description" refresh_descriptions_ok = "Descriptions updated" refresh_smileys = "Update smileys" reg_approve = "Registration confirmation" reg_approved = "Registration is confirmed" reg_approve_all = "Confirm all" reg_del_all = "Delete all" reg_deleted_all = "All unconfirmed registrations were removed" reg_del_ip = "Remove IP" reg_del_ip_done = "All unconfirmed registrations with selected IP were deleted" search_nick = "Search by nick" search_ip_help = "Sample queries: - Search for a single address - Search a range address (forbidden to use mask symbol *)
10.5.*.* - Search mask. Will be found all subnet addresses starting with 0 and ending with 255
" server_time = "Server Time" show_all = "Show all" show_only_computers = "Only computers" show_only_guests = "Only guests" site_closed_except_adm = "site closed, except administration" site_closed_except_sv = "site closed, except SV!" site_map = "Site Map" site_url = "Web site address without the slash at the end" site_copyright = "Site copyright" site_email = "Site E-mail" site_settings = "System settings" smileys_error = "Error updating cache" smileys_updated = "Cache successfully updated!" supermoders = "Super Moderators" system = "System" to_all = "Everyone" to_guest = "Guests" to_users = "Users" users_administration = "Administration" user_del = "Delete user" user_del_confirm = "Are you sure that you want to delete this user?" user_del_activity = "Cleaning activities" user_del_forumnote = "When cleaning topic and post in the forum will be "hidden"" user_deleted = "User deleted" users_clean = "Database cleanup" users_reg = "On registration"