also_received = "and received" amnesty = "Amnesty" amnesty_access_error = "Amnesty is available for supervisors only" amnesty_clean_confirm = "Table ban cleared.
Offenses cleared" amnesty_clean = "Clear base" amnesty_delban = "Unban all" amnesty_delban_confirm = "All the users with active bans were unbanned (Except for bans "till cancel")" amnesty_help = ""Unban All" - terminating all active bans
"Clear Database" - terminates all bans and clears an offenses history" ban_1 = "Blocked" ban_3 = "Private" ban_10 = "Comment" ban_11 = "Forum" ban_12 = "Chat" ban_13 = "Guestbook" ban_14 = "Gallery" ban_15 = "Library" ban_1_description = "Activity on a site is completely forbidden. You can receive the mail, but can't send" ban_3_description = "Ban for sending private messages (antispam)" ban_10_description = "Forbidden to comment on all moduls subsystem" ban_11_description = "Forbidden write in Forum" ban_12_description = "Deny access to Chat" ban_13_description = "Forbidden write message in guestbook" ban_14_description = "Not allowed to post and comment on the photos in the gallery" ban_15_description = "Not allowed post and comment on article in the library" ban_cancel = "Ban termination" ban_cancel_do = "Unban" ban_cancel_confirmation = "User unbanned" ban_cancel_help = "Ban time is going to the end. Offense will be saved in the bans history" ban_delete = "Delete ban" ban_delete_do = "Delete" ban_delete_help = "Removing ban along with a record in the bans history" ban_deleted = "Ban deleted" ban_do = "Ban user" ban_panel = "Ban Panel" ban_rights = "You do not have enought rights to ban this user" ban_time = "Ban times" ban_time_before_cancel = "Till cancel" ban_time_days = "Day (30 max.)" ban_time_hours = "Hours (24 max.)" ban_time_minutes = "Minutes (60 max.)" ban_type = "Ban type" ban_who = "Banishment" clear_confirmation = "Are you sure want to clean entire history of user offenses?" clear_history = "Clear history" error_ban_exist = "Ban already active" error_ban_not_active = "Ban not active" error_data = "There is no required data" error_rights_clear = "Offenses history can be cleared by supervisor only" error_rights_section = "You have no rights to ban in this section" history_cleared = "Offenses history cleared" in_forum = "Forum" infringement = "Offense" infringements_history = "Offenses history" infringements_list = "Offenses list" my_infringements = "My offenses" pm = "Private (antispam)" reason_not_specified = "Reason not specified" system = "System" to_karma = "To karma" user_banned = "User banned"