all = "All" comment = "Comment" clear_warning = "Do you really want to delete all reviews about user" deletion_warning = "Do you really want to delete comment" error_limit = "Limit votes for today. New voices will be added" error_not_for_admins = "It is forbidden to vote for administration" error_forbidden = "You are not allowed to vote for users" error_rogue = "Cheating karma is forbidden" error_terms_1 = "Users can take part in voting if they have stayed on a site not less " error_terms_2 = "and their score on the forum" error_terms_3 = "You can vote for single user just one time for 24 hours" done = "Done" minus = "Negative" negative = "Negative" new_responses = "New responses" plus = "Positive" positive = "Positive" reset = "Reset karma" vote_qty = "Votes quantity" vote_to = "Vote for" vote_type = "Type of vote"