about = "About me" about_help = "Max. 500 characters" captcha = "Verification code" captcha_help = "If you cannot see the image code, enable graphics in your browser and refresh this page" enter = "Enter" error_nick_empty = "You have not entered nick" error_nick_lenght = "Too long nick" error_nick_occupied = "This nick already in use" error_password_lenght = "Too long password" error_sex = "You have not selected genger" login = "Login" login_help = "Min. 2, Max. 15 Characters.
Allowed letters of the russian and latin alphabets, numbers and symbols - = @ ! ? ~ _ ( ) [ ] . * (Except zero)" moderation_note = "Please, wait until a moderator approves yor registration" moderation_warning = "You can get authorized on the site after confirmation of your registration." name = "Name" name_help = "Max. 30 characters" password = "Password" password_help = "Min. 3, Max. 10 character.
Only letters (a-z) and numbers (1-9) are allowed" registration = "Registration" registration_closed = "Registration temporarily closed" registration_terms = "Please, do not register names like 111, shhhh, uuuu, etc. They will be deleted.
Also all the profiles registered via proxy servers will be deleted" sex = "Gender" sex_m = "Male" sex_w = "Female" you_registered = "Your registratiton data" your_id = "Your ID" your_login = "Your username" your_password = "Your password" your_link = "Link to autologin"